time to dance with reality


Thesis Idea

I think I would like to write my thesis about narrative structure. In particular, I have always been fascinated with James Goodwin's book "Akira Kurosawa and Intertextual Cinema" in which he refers to "boundary situation(s)," a term coined by David Bordwell in "Narration in the Fiction Film" (which I have yet to read).  I am interested in learning more about these types of occurrences in cinema and how they can be/are used to shift the narrative point of view of a movie. I could see my research / writing going a few ways: 1) more theoretical research based on Intertexutal cinema, Eisenstein's Montage and phenomenology. 2) Specific examples in which I believe a boundary situation was created which shifted the narrative point of view. 3) Further exploring the use of narration in storytelling (from Aristotle, to Noh theatre, to shakespeare, to classic russian literature, to film). My hope is that perhaps my research would lead me to a better understanding of the term and its uses. This could potentially be quite a large topic because it does call into play the way we perceive story on a communication level... So it would probably be best for me to start / organize by exploring specific examples.